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From the Gram

WE ARE Farm Fresh

Hanline Fresh customers expect a consistent continuity of supply on a 12-month basis that reflects the end consumers’ expectations. The amount of real-time diligence and depth of relationships at the source are what allows Hanline Fresh to fulfill these expectations. 

Unlike most 3rd party sourcing agents, Hanline Fresh was born from a company that has always been invested in the product they purchase and the customers they work with. All of our employees at Hanline Fresh are aligned with a culture and expectation to “do what we say, and say what we do…all the time.”

Unshakable work ethic and brutal honesty enable great relationships to be born in a highly volatile and perishable supply network. This concept was learned at R.S. Hanline by virtue of servicing the industry’s largest and most reputable restaurant and retail chains. The merits of working with customers like that have carried over to the culture and strategy of Hanline Fresh.

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